Dragonscale Card Gaming
Digimon Card Game ST-6 Starter Deck Venomous Violet
Digimon Card Game ST-6 Starter Deck Venomous Violet
Return trashed cards to your hand, sacrifice Digimon on both sides of the board, and outwit your opponent with this tricky purple deck!
The Digimon Card Game lets players battle it out with your favourite Digimon creatures. Enter the world of Digimon and explore the countless amount of creatures available to you!
This starter set is ideal for anyone just starting out with the card game. Each of the starter sets include a starter deck, consisting of 54 cards, as well as 2 memory gauges and a booster pack.
Each deck also contains 16 types of card, with 7 common, 5 uncommon, 3 rare and 1 super rare card in each pack!